Eco tips to visit Leh Ladakh
Try to make as little environmental impact as possible in this part of India and help to sustain the indigenous populace.Put your rubbish in the garbage bins and give the organic waste to your guesthouse or some
other people who have animals to feed.
Keeping all pollutants and garbage away from watercourses and put them at the disposal site.
Try to avoid plastic bottles and plastic bags it already ban in Leh Ladakh.
Prefer dishes made from local products and which are of organic.
Try to avoid water flush toilets and prefer Ladakh style compost toilets.
Try to use of bio-degradable and natural products such as soaps and detergents.
Buy local products for snacks like dried apricots, apples and ladakhi biscuits.
Don't waste and pollute the water, as in most of the Nubra valley villages people
drink water from the rivers, ask villagers where to wash yourself and your laundry.
Use ecological soap and wash yourself a little away from the river as the water is used for drinking in many villages.
Be sensitive to when and where you take photos and video of people.
Do not urinate or defecate near water or in the fields.
Take permission from the local people before photographing them or their property.
Respect the natural environment. Never touch or harass animals. Always follow designated trails.
Support conservation by paying entrance fees to parks and protected sites.
Never buy crafts or products made from protected or endangered animals.
Do not leave any litter along trekking routes or on camp sites.
Take your shoes off before entering a monastery.
Do not touch the statues or thangkas at monasteries and refrain from smoking on the premises.
Don't use flash photography inside monasteries as the flash tends to damage the colour of the frescoes inside.